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A little bit about us
I've been doing agility going on 24 years. Connie and I started with our CattleDogs and now with our Koolies. Over the years I've had a couple of businesses catering mainly to the Dog Agility community. Connie and I would set up our canopies at shows every weekend in California and Arizona bringing treats, toys, leashes, etc to all our agility peeps. As time went on, I decided to focus on a business based on graphics and that's how HeelerGraphics.com was born.
A good friend of mine came to me with an idea in late 2020. She said that there are a lot of Agility Schools, Instructors, clubs, etc that would love to have branded gear but the cost was too prohibitive to just have a few items done at a time. Taking what HeelerGraphics offers and combining it with a focus on agility, Ernie's Agility ProShop was born!
If you have a school, club, organization and would like to have shirts, hoodies, etc with YOUR brand, send me an email to get started!

Please be sure to check out my other store HeelerGraphics.com for a variety of custom personalized Items.
Thank you